Guide to the Use of the
Database of Churchyard Monuments
The database contains details of all marked interments as of March 2022, all unmarked interments as of that date for which there are known locations and the details have been confirmed from the burial registers, and all interments of unknown location recorded in the register covering the period 1925-1992.
The database is organised in alphabetical order, first by Surname and then by First Names. A given entry indicates, by means of the letters G and A, whether it relates to a Grave or Ashes. It also gives the date of death or burial and the age of the individual concerned, when these are known, together with a full transcription of the wording on any associated monument. For those interments with known location, the relevant section of the Churchyard is indicated by means of a capital letter in the range R to Z . Each such Section has been divided into rows, indicated by a lower case letter, and each row further divided into numbered plots.
A Churchyard Map indicates the location of each Section. On clicking on a particular Section a detailed map of the area will be displayed, enabling the precise location of an interment to be viewed.
As many interments are unmarked and of otherwise unknown location, it is worth checking the Parish Registers page of this website to see if the relevant section of the burial registers has been trancribed into electronic format.