The Friends of St James the Great, Thorley
Report by the Secretary to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, 28 April 2019
During 2018 the Friends made grants to the Parochial Church Council totalling £12,660, the majority of which was in respect of the upgrade to the Church heating system. Following on from grants totalling £14,849 in 2017 and £21,808 in 2016, together with the money spent on the purchase, repair and maintenance of Churchyard equipment, this brought the total sum contributed by the Friends since 2016 towards the upkeep of the Church and Churchyard to over £50,000, and that since 2010 to over £100,000.
The Friends main fundraising events during the year were a sale of plants in May, an Autumn Craft Fair in November, the sale of Sunday Afternoon Teas from the Church Room during the summer months and another very successful and most enjoyable Quiz Evening that was held in February of this year.
The Friends would like to once again be able to offer Sunday Afternoon Teas from the Church Room during the months of May, June, July, August and September this year. However, this will only be possible if volunteers are forthcoming who are prepared to organise rotas for segments of this season, together with those willing to sign-up for the individual weekly slots in these rotas. Please let me or any of the other Committee members know if you are able to help in either way .
As was the case in 2018, the Friends are once again stepping aside from organising a Festival of Flowers and Music over the 2019 August Bank Holiday weekend to enable the Parochial Church Council to do so to raise the funds needed for areas of the St James Estate that fall outside our remit.
New members of the Friends are always welcome. The minimum family subscription is only £5.00. By joining you will be supporting the work of the Parochial Church Council by helping to preserve our ancient and beautiful Church building and to maintain our Churchyard.
Philip Hargrave
Chairman & Secretary