1. The year was again financially very successful. There was an excess of income over expenditure of £4470.16 compared to £4109.00 in 1998 an increase of £361.16. The excess funds have been invested in the CBF until such time as they are required. £18000 of the total funds of £21503.92 have been reserved towards the cost of future Church restorations when they have been approved by the PCC.
Details are as follows (amounts preceded by a minus sign indicate a loss):
1999 |
1998 |
1997 |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Subscriptions |
£1059.00 |
£1032.00 |
£1172.00 |
Donations |
£282.50 |
£31.00 |
£131.00 |
-£36.08 |
-£40.60 |
-£42.85 |
Flower Festival |
£2507.48 |
£2483.93 |
£2385.97 |
Quiz Evening |
£268.83 |
£242.25 |
£161.42 |
Souvenirs |
-£0.35 |
-£19.45 |
-£47.65 |
Sunday Teas |
£566.32 |
£306.13 |
£521.82 |
Repairs and Maintenance |
-£1123.31 |
-£864.67 |
-£1228.27 |
Sundries/Miscellaneous |
-£9.62 |
-£10.70 |
-£8.14 |
Lottery Registration |
-£17.50 |
-£17.50 |
-£17.50 |
Miscellaneous Equipment |
-£135.36 |
£0.00 |
-£392.51 |
Bank Interest |
£3.14 |
£13.01 |
£5.05 |
Dr R Kent Sponsorship |
£185.00 |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
CBF Interest |
£920.11 |
£953.60 |
£649.63 |
Total |
£4470.16 |
£4109.00 |
£3289.97 |
2. Subscriptions
The total of £1059.00 is an increase of £27.00 over 1998. There were 66 paying members and 23 subscriptions from couples who married, or whose wedding was blessed, at St. James during the year.
3. Annual General Meeting
This sum represents donations less the cost of refreshments and a contribution towards the running costs of the St. Barnabas Centre.
4. Donations
The total of £282.50 included £277.50 which was given in memory of Tom Camp. Since the closure of the 1999 accounts a further £542.50 has been received. This will appear in the accounts for the current financial year, 2000. The Committee is keen to use this money to support a project that would be a fitting memorial to Tom.
5. Flower Festival
This event showed a small increase of £23.55 over 1998. Overall income increased by 8% but expenditure by nearly 19%. There were decreases in the net income from the Raffle and the Paintings Commission. The latter was still a substantial amount. The largest increases in net income were for
(a) Church collections and donations, mainly attributable to a single donation of £200.
(b) Refreshments, including Ice Cream, up £200.
(c) Shop and plants, up £207, again largely due to the efforts of Alan Uglow and others on plant stalls.
(d) Stalls, up £100, mainly due to an enormous increase in the sale of books, managed by Marcia Slaughter.
Conversely, the net expenditure also increased
(a) Flowers, up nearly £107.
(b) Other expenses up £200. This includes newspaper adverts (up £90), Red Cross Donation (up £45), hire of easels, postage, badges for stewards and helpers.
Details for the last three years are:
1999 |
1998 |
1997 |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Raffle |
£436.00 |
£496.60 |
£592.96 |
Church Collections /Donations |
£721.48 |
£521.37 |
£649.67 |
Bell Tower/Church tours |
£43.00 |
£39.00 |
£13.60 |
Refreshments |
£771.72 |
£621.09 |
£753.82 |
Shop/Plants/Souvenirs |
£498.10 |
£290.45 |
£227.65 |
Flowers |
-£470.21 |
-£363.24 |
-£399.96 |
Stalls |
£784.52 |
£684.49 |
£634.23 |
St Barnabas Centre (1) |
-£120.00 |
-£120.00 |
-£120.00 |
Other Expenses (2) |
-£379.73 |
-£179.83 |
-£228.00 |
Painting Commission |
£222.60 |
£494.00 |
£262.00 |
Total |
£2507.48 |
£2483.93 |
£2385.87 |
Note 1
The payment for the St. Barnabas Centre represents our
contribution to the running costs of the building.
Note 2
Other expenses include such items as newspaper adverts, printing,
stationery, posters, signs, and Red Cross donation.
6. Quiz Evening
Another enjoyable and successful quiz evening was held, and the
net income was £268.83, including Raffle receipts. This was £26.58
more than in 1998. Included in the expenditure is a contribution
to the running costs of the St Barnabas Centre.
7. Souvenirs
The sum of £19.35 was collected from the sale of souvenirs on Sundays when teas were held. This was offset by the purchase of new notelets for £20.00 resulting in a net expenditure of 35 pence. Receipts from sales at the Flower Festival are included in the income from the shop and are not separately identified.
8. Sunday Teas
The sale of refreshments on Sunday afternoons to raise funds was continued from April to October. The net total was £566.32, a considerable increase of £260.19 over 1998. New equipment costing £27.85 is included in the expenditure.
9. Repairs and Maintenance
A total of £1123.31 was spent on repairs and maintenance for the Church and Churchyard. This comprised £1000.00 for tree work and £123.31 for new and repaired equipment used for the upkeep of the Churchyard. This compares with £864.67 in 1998.
10. Sponsorship
Dr Richard Kent ran the Edinburgh Marathon on 26 September 1999. Seventeen people sponsored him, and he kindly donated the total of £185 to the Friends.
Adrian Phillips
Honorary Treasurer
24th March 2000