1. The year was again financially very successful. There was an excess of income over expenditure of £5582.92 compared to an excess of income over expenditure of £5822.08 in 2001 (excluding the exceptional payment of £25,000 made to the Parochial Church council towards the restoration of the tower in 2001). This is a decrease of £239.16.
The excess funds have been invested in the Central Board of Finance (CBF) until such time as they are required.
Details for the last four years as follows (amounts preceded by a minus sign indicate a loss):
2002 |
2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Subscriptions | £1362.00 |
£990.00 |
£1047.00 |
£1059.00 |
Donations | £395.88 |
£512.22 |
£1712.50 |
£282.50 |
AGM | -£59.87 |
-£30.00 |
-£35.61 |
-£36.08 |
Flower Festival | £2555.54 |
£2561.59 |
£2491.12 |
£2507.48 |
Quiz Evening | £197.82 |
£253.61 |
£133.34 |
£268.83 |
Barn Talk | £124.73 |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
Jubilate Concert | £100.00 |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
Souvenirs | £21.90 |
£37.00 |
£48.00 |
-£0.35 |
Sunday Teas | £575.42 |
£589.20 |
£462.42 |
£566.32 |
Repairs & Maintenance | £0.00 |
-£25000.00 |
£0.00 |
-£1123.31 |
Sundries/Miscellaneous | -£50.34 |
-£21.80 |
-£4.94 |
-£9.62 |
Lottery Registration | -£17.50 |
-£17.50 |
-£17.50 |
-£17.50 |
Miscellaneous Equipment | £0.00 |
£0.00 |
-£57.13 |
-£135.36 |
Bank Interest / Charges | £1.14 |
-£0.33 |
£1.21 |
£3.14 |
Dr R Kent Sponsorship | £0.00 |
£0.00 |
£0.00 |
£185.00 |
CBF Interest | £376.20 |
£948.09 |
£1373.98 |
£920.11 |
Total | £5582.92 |
-£19177.22 |
£7154.39 |
£4470.16 |
Excluding PCC Payment of £25000 | £5822.08 |
2. Subscriptions
The total of £1362.00 is an increase of £372.00 over 2001. There were 94 paying members and 9 subscriptions from couples who married, or whose wedding had been blessed, at St. James during the year. A recruitment drive resulted in 22 new members.
3. Annual General Meeting
This sum represents donations, less the cost of refreshments and a contribution towards the running costs of the St Barnabas Centre.
4. Donations
Donations totalled £395.88, which included individual amounts of £200 and £150. This was £116.34 less than in 2001.
5. Flower Festival
The excess income over expenditure remains fairly constant from year to year. In 2002 there was a small decrease of £6.05 over 2001.Overall income decreased by £670.30 (12.7%) and expenditure by £664.25 (26.4%) largely due to the difference in the receipts and expenses for the exhibition of paintings and photographs.
There were increases in the net income
a) Raffle - £17.00.
b) Refreshments and Ice cream - £8.72 net. Refreshments up £59.32,
Ice Cream down £50.60
c) Bell Tower / Church Tours - £1.00
d) Stalls - £14.27.
e) Shop - £38.00
f) Plants - £72.00
There were decreases in net income for:
a) Paintings Exhibition -£92.94
b) Church collections and Donations - £6.25. This included a
single donation of £245.
Conversely, the main expenditure changes
a) Other expenses, up £11.49. Included here are the St John's
Ambulance donation, the cost of a newspaper advertisement and a
donation to the organist.
b) Flowers, up £46.36
Details for the last four years are:.
2002 |
2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Profit (Loss) |
Raffle | £478.80 |
£461.80 |
£471.60 |
£436.00 |
Church Collections/ Donations | £681.88 |
£688.13 |
£551.04 |
£721.48 |
Bell Tower / Church Tours | £24.00 |
£23.00 |
£13.00 |
£43.00 |
Refreshments | £741.22 |
£681.90 |
£674.06 |
£692.83 |
Ice Cream | £16.71 |
£67.31 |
£67.90 |
£78.89 |
Shop / Souvenirs | £116.00 |
£78.00 |
£188.41 |
£215.60 |
Plants | £301.50 |
£229.50 |
£250.55 |
£282.50 |
Flowers | -£602.70 |
-£556.34 |
-£467.10 |
-£470.21 |
Stalls | £766.52 |
£752.25 |
£734.74 |
£784.52 |
St Barnabas Centre | -£120.00 |
-£120.00 |
-£120.00 |
-£120.00 |
Other Expenses | -£181.29 |
-£169.80 |
-£180.38 |
-£379.73 |
Painting Commission | £332.90 |
£425.84 |
£307.30 |
£222.60 |
Total | £2555.54 |
£2561.59 |
£2491.12 |
£2507.48 |
Note 1
The payment for the St. Barnabas Centre represents the Friends
contribution to the running costs of the building.
Note 2
Other expenses include such items as a newspaper advertisement,
postage and a St John's Ambulance donation.
6. Quiz Evening and Jubilate Concert
Another enjoyable and successful Quiz Evening was held, and the net income was £192.27, including raffle receipts. This was a decrease of £61.34 over 2001. Included in the expenditure is a contribution to the running costs of the St Barnabas Centre.
Details are as follows (amounts preceded by a minus sign indicate a loss):
2002 |
2001 |
Difference |
Meals | -£247.85 |
-£365.00 |
£117.15 |
Expenses | -£9.88 |
-£11.99 |
£2.11 |
Hall | -£40.00 |
-£40.00 |
£0.00 |
Tickets | £411.00 |
£571.60 |
-£160.60 |
Raffle | £79.00 |
£99.00 |
-£20.00 |
Total | £192.27 |
£253.61 |
-£61.34 |
In addition £100 was donated to the Friends from money raised raised by a Jubilate concert.
7. Souvenirs
The sum of £21.90 was collected from the sale of souvenirs on Sundays when teas were held, £15.10 less than in 2001. There were no new purchases. Receipts from sales at the Flower Festival are included in the income from the shop and are not separately identified.
8. Sunday Teas
The sale of refreshments on Sunday afternoons to raise funds was continued from April to October. The net total was £575.42, a small decrease of £13.78 over 2001.
9. Repairs and Maintenance
As in 2001, there was no expenditure on miscellaneous equipment or on repairs and maintenance to the Church and Churchyard.
10. Sundries and Miscellaneous
This includes postage, name labels, a wheelchair ramp, church room keys and a lock.
Adrian Phillips
Honorary Treasurer
21st March 2003