1. You will find a summary of the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019 on you seat.

2. Firstly I would like to thank Rosemary Jones for handing over the books to me in such a very good state. She has made it easy for me to take over from her because of the detailed work she has done over the previous years.

3. In the past I have sat where you are now listening to the Treasurer's Report, with a copy of the accounts in my hand but at times have been a little confused about all the figures - maybe it's just me. Having prepared the statement this year I feel I have a slightly better grasp than before. I thought I'd like to talk you through the figures and give you the opportunity to ask any questions.

4. Starting with INCOME

On the right hand side of the statement you will see details of our income for 2019 with a comparison for 2018.

Subscriptions increased to £1,107 - this from 39 people/couples.

Donations increased to £506 - this was made up of money donated in memory of Margot Cage plus a "one-off" donation from a member of the congregation.

Income from fund-raising increased to £4,492 from four sources:
- Quiz Night - £727
- Plant Sale - £1,129
- Craft Fair - £1,012
- Sunday afternoon teas - £1,624

Lastly on the income side we received
- Bank Interest of £115 and
- Tax Refund for Gift Aided donations of £279.

You may notice a steep fall in the Gift Aid tax refund. This is because the FoSJ no longer has responsibility for the August Flower & Music Festival. Consequently donations for the festival are now channelled though the PCC and not the Friends.

Therefore our total income for 2019 was £6,499, a 13% increase on 2018.

5. Turning to EXPENDITURE

You will see that we have not had very much expenditure in 2019, certainly not compared with 2017 (church decoration) and 2018 (heating).

We made a £200 donation to the PCC for church heating (I believe this was for repairs to one of the radiators)

We spent £187 on the Quiz Night - this was for the food & prizes

We spent £732 on the Plant Sale - this was all for the plants from Matthew's

We spent £38 on the Craft Fair - this was all for food

We spent £32 on the AGM - this was for photocopying

We negotiated a reduction in our insurance premium to £205

Our biggest expense was £775 for Repairs & Maintenance. The bulk of this was for a new mower and servicing of our existing ones plus restoration of the altar frontal.

The total expenditure in 2019 was £2,169.

6. Our income of £6,499 and expenditure of £2,169 resulted in a surplus of income over expenditure of £4,330

7. Turning to the left hand side of the page you will see we started 2019 with assets of £20,419. Adding the surplus of £4,330 left us, at the end of 2019, with £24,749. This was made up of £5,078 in our Barclays current account and £19,671 in our Church of England deposit account.

8. Thank you for listening. Does anyone have any questions?

Des Conridge

Hon. Treasurer

13 March 2020

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