This is the Annual General Meeting which would normally have been held in March this year, when I would have reported on our finances for the year ended 31 December 2020. Now however, we are already three quarters of the way through the current year, so I was a little undecided how to frame this report.
I have decided therefore to divide the report into two. Firstly, reporting on our financial affairs up to December 2020, and then giving you a sneak preview of the current year with some of the things I will be reporting when we have our next Annual General Meeting in about six months’ time. You will be pleased to know that both parts of this report are quite brief.
The Accounts show how income was received and expenditure incurred in the year ended 31st December 2020, with comparative figures for 2019. It was an exceptional year with most of our planned events cancelled because of the pandemic. We were fortunate to get the annual Quiz Night in just before the first lock-down in March 2020.
Our total income for 2020 was £2,240. (£6,499 in 2019) This was made up of:
• £835 in subscriptions;
• £122 in donations;
• £947 (gross) from the Quiz Night;
• £91 bank interest;
• £244 tax refund for Gift Aided donations.Our total expenditure in 2020 was £1,188. (£2,169 in 2019) This was made up of
• £209 for Quiz Night expenses;
• £644 for repairs & maintenance – mainly for a new mower and servicing our existing ones;
• £75 for a new Rectors’ Board in Church;
• £239 for Insurance;
• £21 for photocopying for the Annual General Meeting.At the start of 2020 our total reserves were £24,749 and at the end of the year they had increased by £1,052 to £25,801.
Moving onto the current year, once again most of our planned events have been cancelled, but we have just completed a short season of Sunday afternoon teas and we have the Craft Fair in November to look forward to.
Our total income so far in 2021 is £922. This is made up from:
• £605 in subscriptions;
• £107 for Sunday teas (that’s only two weeks banked so far);
• £9 bank interest;
• £201 tax refund for Gift Aided donations.Our total expenditure so far this year is £710. This includes:
• £414 for mower repairs & servicing;
• £253 insurance;
• £30 for painting radiator pipes in Church;
• £13 for photocopying.
At the start of 2021 our total reserves were £25,801. At the end of August 2021 this had increased by £212 to £26,012
The only large expenditure which we are aware of is the cost of Quinquennial repairs to the Church. The PCC is expecting a bill from Lodge’s for these repairs and The Friends’ have agreed to pay a sum of £7,164 which is the total cost of the work less VAT.
Thank you for listening.
Des Conridge
Hon. Treasurer
1 October 2021