The Accounts show how income was received and expenditure incurred in the year ended 31st December 2021, with comparative figures for 2020. In the following I prwaent a user friendly version of our finances last year.
We have five main sources of income each year:
Subscriptions & donations
A quiz night
A Spring plant sale
Sunday afternoon teas
An Autumn Craft FairSubscriptions & donations for the year amounted to £1,054.22. This came from 30 people. This compares with £957 in 2020.
Both the Quiz Night and Plant Sale in 2021 were cancelled because of COVID 19, so our income from them was nil. In 2020 the quiz night raised £947 and in 2019 the Plant Sale £397 (having also been cancelled in 2020).
Income from Sunday afternoon teas amounted to £544.75. We were unable to provide teas during 2020 because of COVID 19 restrictions. Our income in 2019 however was £1,624. The main reason for the reduction in 2021 was because we only ran for two months (August & September) instead of the usual five months because of Covid restrictions. And I think, even when we did start, some of our usual customers remained anxious about getting out and about.
We were able to run the Autumn Craft Fair and raised £1,090.80 nett. In 2020 we had no Craft Fair (Covid again), but the figure for 2019 was £974.
Bank Interest (£11.09) and Gift Aid from HMRC (£201.62) brought our total income for the year to £2,902.48. This compares with £2,240 in 2020 and £6,499 in 2019. 2019 you will remember was the last year unaffected by COVID 19.
Turning to our expenditure:
You will see one very large figure of £7,164.93 for the cost of Quinquennial repairs to the Church. This sum is the total cost of the work by Lodges, less VAT. This work was completed in September 2021, and consisted of repairs to
Rendering in the North Nave
Fine cracks in the North Nave, Chancel & Vestry
Pointing in the South Porch
Two steps in the Bell Tower
Asphalt in the Tower gutter
Shingle damage caused by woodpeckers and work on the lightning conductor on the spire
Replacement of a missing tile to the south flank of the Chancel
Gutter & drain maintenance
General pointing and crack repairsOur other expenditure consisted of:
Our total expenditure in 2021 therefore was £8,038.37.
A small job re-painting radiator pipes (£30.24)
Mower servicing, repairs and fuel (£555.99}
Insurance (£253.34)
Admin costs (£33.87)In summary therefore:
We started 2021 with total assets of £25,600.80 and ended the year with £20,664.71. Of this we had £2,641.19 in our Barclays current account and £18,023.52 with the Church of England Deposit Fund.Looking ahead it seems likely that some of these reserves will be needed this year to replace the Church boiler.
In 2021 our income was £2,902.48 and our expenditure was £8,038.37, an excess of expenditure over income of £5,135.89.Des Conridge
Hon. Treasurer
25 March 2022