
The Friends of St James the Great, Thorley

Registered Charity No: 288678

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Click here to view Photo Spheres of the Churchyard

The Friends of St James assist the Rector and Parochial Church Council in maintaining and beautifying the Church and Churchyard. We seek to raise funds in support of our work by organising events and through membership subscriptions.

Click here for photographs during winter

Click here for more photographs during winter

Family Quiz Night
Saturday 1 March 2025
7.00pm - 10.00pm
St Barnabas Centre

Tribute **New** Tribute to Jean Papworth  **New**

The Church of St James the Great dates from Norman times and is the oldest building in Thorley (Ordnance Survey Grid Reference TL476188). It is a Grade I listed building, consisting of a Chancel, Nave, South Porch, Vestry and embattled Western Tower. The Tower is surmounted by an oak-shingled Hertfordshire Spike and contains six bells. The Church is built of flint rubble with clunch dressings and has a total length of 100 feet.
The Chancel and Nave were built in the 13th Century in the Early English style, but the Norman Font and Doorway suggest that the Church existed at least as early as the 12th Century. The Tower was added in the 15th Century. Outside the Western Door is a Holy Water Stoop and the Church contains three remarkable 14th Century stepped sedilia, or priests’ seats.

  The south doorway

In the Churchyard there is an ancient Yew Tree which has been dated as being at least 1000 years old.

Do you live in the parish of Thorley or the surrounding area and care about our Church?

Do you have family connections with the Church?

Do you care about our heritage and the preservation of ancient and beautiful buildings?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, why not join the Friends?

You can e-mail the Secretary, Philip Hargrave, at


Friends of St James the Great, Thorley

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